Monday, June 15, 2020

MLSP Webinars - My Lead System Pro - Keyword - Training


brian hazel

Search engines are powered by the

words users enter when they conduct searches.

These are called “Keywords.”

Google and other search engines

use keywords to provide the links to => PROFITABLE WEBSITES

they think the user will find most helpful.

These results are then ranked according to

Google’s search engine algorithm.

By discovering the best keywords for your internet marketing

niche and including them in strategic places on your web pages,

you can improve your ranking on the

Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) for those keywords.

Conducting Keyword Research

Keyword research means finding the best keywords for your product niche.

When you optimize your web pages with the best keywords,

search engines like Google and Bing

will index your pages and rank them higher,

ideally in the top three spots.

If you use bad keywords or don’t optimize

them correctly within your web pages,

your pages will be ranked so low that nobody is going to find them.

The first step is to create an initial list of possible keywords.

Basically, you will be brainstorming ideas.

For example, if your product is a dog obedience course...

Which happens to be an evergreen niche,

Your initial list might include keywords like:

- Dog obedience

- Puppy house training

- Canine obedience

- How to train your dog

- Dog training

- Puppy obedience

Write down all the main categories of your niche and

any other words or phrases that might fall under each of those categories,

and then create as many variations as you can of those keywords.

Come up with the best list of both general and specific keywords that you can.

You will test them later to see which ones are the most effective.

Make sure you pick between two and five words within your keyword phrases.

Anything longer than that and the likelihood that

people will type them into the search engine goes down.

An exception to this rule is when you

 include “How do I …” or “Top 10 Ways to …” as part of your keywords.

These tend to work pretty well.

However, in most cases, your keyword phrases should be brief.

Finding the Most Successful Keywords

Ideally, the keywords you choose should be overripe and under-exploited.

In other words, they should be keywords that describe

things that have a lot of people looking for products in that sub-niche,

with not a lot of other people offering them.

Find these and you can virtually print money.

Now you want to do monthly searches in keywords for your niche,

and also find out how much competition each has.

Google has a free Adwords Keyword Tool

you can use to search for various keywords.

Because Google has the biggest and most popular search engine,

it makes sense to use its tools to find the

best niches–especially when they’re free!

The next step is to find within this

general niche those sub-niches that are overripe and under-exploited.

Long Tail Keywords

Long tail keywords are the words and

phrases users type in to search for a particular niche.

They make it easier for you to hone in on the specific

target audiences within your niche.

For example, they can be geographically

based–such as “Atlanta dog obedience schools”–to make them more specific.

Keep track of all the long tail keywords you find so you can

focus on these secondary ones that still get a lot of

searches but aren’t already being used by other marketers.

Keyword Placement

Where you place the keywords is really important.

Search engines prefer to see your keywords and phrases in the headline,

 in sub-headlines, and in the first and last paragraphs.

Your primary keyword also should be included in your URL,

or web address name.

WordPress has a handy All-in-One SEO Pack plug-in that

automatically includes keywords in your metadata,

which are the little descriptions beneath each link on Google.

You also can use to break up your page with headings

and to let search engines know which keywords are important on your pages.

Type one or more keywords into your

image file name and also include it in the ALT text

for the image for extra measure.

Keyword Saturation

In the remaining part of your page content,

where you distribute them isn’t as important as

long as you have the proper saturation level.

Include keywords within your content the optimal number of times,

known as keyword saturation.

Search engines give a higher ranking to pages that

have keyword saturation of about 2%.

If your web content is 500 words,

your keywords should be included about 10 times:

500 (Total # of Words) x .02 (Optimal KW Saturation Rate) = 10.

To learn more techniques like these for improving your

profitability by driving organic to your opportunity…

I personally use  mobile friendly email marketing 
As my primary source of online marketing.
Leveraging =>My Lead System Pro Strategies with Email marketing 
Introduces Day Trading like Profitability,
But...  with the ease of use of Facebook.


Generate Unlimited Leads - Create Sustainable Gratitude 

What is My Lead System Pro - MLSP - Brian M Hazel

How to Generate Endless Leads - My Lead System Pro

MLSP Webinars - My Lead System Pro - Keyword - Training

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The TOP 3 Drivers of 'Generating Unlimited Leads -


brian hazel

What are the TOP 3 Drivers of 'Generating Unlimited Leads':

=> The Perfect Online Income Producer
  • Monetary value. You should try to include free coupons, discounts, special codes, etc, in your outbound marketing. Remember the rule – saving money equals earning money, so let your subscribers to earn a little.
  • Informational value. Make sure the information you include in your marketing is as useful as possible. Write about tips and tricks that can be implemented using your product, don’t just write about your product, try explaining niches customers can use your product in, discuss techniques, etc.
  • Opportunity / Value. Make your subscribers feel special – give them something custom, that not everyone can get: special preview of your product, some contests for subscribers only. Give them something special, again- make them feel special.

Every one of your pieces of your outbound marketing sent to your recipients should grab their attention, 

keep them updated and make them act (subscribe, buy, pre-order, etc.). 

Only valuable information can accomplish such goals and transform your subscribers into customers. 

I personally use  mobile friendly email marketing 
As my primary source of online marketing.
Leveraging =>My Lead System Pro Strategies with Email marketing 
Introduces Day Trading like Profitability,
But...  with the ease of use of Facebook.


Generate Unlimited Leads - Create Sustainable Gratitude 

What is My Lead System Pro - MLSP - Brian M Hazel

How to Generate Endless Leads - My Lead System Pro

The TOP 3 Drivers of 'Generating Unlimited Leads -

Monday, April 20, 2020

Generate Endless Leads - My Lead System Pro - MLSP -


brian hazel

Social media channel
I personally use social media channels, 

to Generate Endless Leads 

boost my brand and also to create a tie in to

Social media sites are essentially the pubs and coffee shops of the internet. 

Millions of people feel free to share, publish, like,

and... of course, to comment. 

So if and or when you find yourself being mentioned...

You should immediately display to your subscribers, 

that your brand is being seen, heard and respected.

Here are the 5 ways I use social media to 

1.) Reviews and Testimonials. Each and every good mention on 

Facebook should be viewed as a testimonial too. 

Even if it’s just one word like “Great!”... It is still a testimonial.

You should gather all such testimonials, the more reviews or kind

words you have about you or your brand, the more reviews you can show to

your subscribers, include into your mailings.

***Try to use as many different sites as possible, mixing social media

sites with review sites and your blogs,

2.) Tweetimonials. A 140-character 'shout-out' or testimonial may be much

more powerful than a 2-page review. It’s great to insert few tweetimonials 

in each and every mailing.

This can be another proof-of-relevance for your subscribers.

3.) Web Forums. Forum comments and feedback are the best place to

get multiple positive brand-related posts. Each and every forum has its share of 

so-called gurus, or super-pro-members...

And, if one of them were to recommend your opportunity,product or

service, that will immediately boost your sales.

Also it’s great to link to such posts in your mailings.

It's a chance for your subscribers to see examples of

your following.

4.) Blog posts. There are currently millions of blogs over the internet, and

there are few that may be discussing your brand, opportunity 

or business right now.

Try to locate them and link back to these positive blog posts

in your email campaign messages.

I believe links from blog posts are more powerful than from

forums. .

5.) Videos. Video is by far the best content ready for viral momentum.

It’s easy to follow, it's easy to remember,

and takes just few minutes to watch it. 

Good video content can be created quickly, ...and for Free!  

Videos have the ability to yield you thousands of visits, 

hundreds of comments, and

possibly tons of testimonials on YouTube.

You should use them further in your mailings.

And don’t forget to send your newly created videos to

all of your subscribers.

I personally use social media along with

mobile friendly email marketing as my main traffic sources for

online marketing.

Click Here to learn about The My Lead System Pro  => Done-For-You System.
Brian M Hazel -


CBD Products - Create Sustainable Gratitude - Brian M

What is My Lead System Pro - MLSP - Brian M Hazel

How to Generate Endless Leads - My Lead System Pro - 

MLSP Webinars - My Lead System Pro - Keyword - Training

Search engines are powered by the words users enter when they conduct searches. These are called  “Keywords.” ...